Why is Ideal Health NWA different?
Results -Ideal Protein Works
- Unlike other diets it is not a quick fix pill or shake to magically solve your weight problem; but offers a proven medically sound protocol that works.
We understand you
- Our dedicated health professionals and coaches offer one-on-one personalized support and weekly follow-ups where you learn the tools needed to lose weight and stay healthy and vibrant !
We don’t have a lifetime membership!
- In fact, our goal is not “lifetime dieters” who come back after every “yo-yo” experience. We believe that learning to eat REAL food and properly understanding the science behind weight gain is the lifetime solution to health and wellness.
Why am I overweight?
We at Ideal Health NWA believe that the secret to effective weight loss is controlling insulin in the body. Insulin is a very important hormone that regulates energy storage, among other things. One of the functions of insulin is to tell fat cells to store fat and to hold on to the fat that they already carry.
The Standard American Diet leads to insulin resistance in many individuals. This elevates insulin levels all over the body, causing energy to be selectively stored in the fat cells instead of being available for use.
The best way to lower insulin is to cut back on carbohydrates, which usually leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake and effortless weight loss. No calorie counting or portion control is required. We have chosen to use a product called Ideal Protein to assist you in losing weight. To learn more about how the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method can help you in your journey to health click the links below.
What is the Cost of Program?
We are often asked the question- what does the diet cost? A simple answer would be ….$350 to get started and about $100 average per week on phase one of the diet.
Startup cost includes:
- One month of vitamin supplements
- Other essential supplies
- One time orientation fee
- Personal coaching appointments while on the program
- 1st week of Ideal Protein product

Depending on how much you have to lose and how disciplined you are to follow the plan, the total cost investment will be up to you. Many times getting off some of your prescription medications due to insulin control and weight loss can significantly reduce overall costs.
How much is your health worth?
*Insurance- We do not accept or file health insurance claims. You may check with your provider as to details of possible coverage and whether that is an option for you. We have seen many clients use their health savings plans successfully.
What is Ideal Protein?
As an independent authorized clinic Ideal Health NWA uses one of the most successful and fastest growing weight loss programs in the United States. To read more about the The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method click below:

Method Overview
How do I get started?
Step 1
If you are ready to begin losing weight with Ideal Health NWA – you will need to complete the online Health Profile below. Make sure you have some undistracted time (15-20 minutes) and a good internet connection, as you will need to complete the online profile in one setting once you start. Before you submit, you can also print your answers to have a copy for yourself.
Step 2
After reviewing the profile and upon approval from our medical director, we will send you an email to confirm your time, location and directions for orientation. Orientation meetings are held for those wanting to start the diet are held by appointment only at our locations. Please make sure you have read all of the information on our website so your questions have been answered and feel free to contact us if you have any other questions. The orientation meeting is not a general informational meeting but designed for those ready to begin.
Step 3
After your initial consultation, you will continue to meet weekly with one of our trained Ideal Health NWA Weight Loss Consultants…accountability while losing weight is a great thing! This weekly meeting will take only about 20 minutes. We will answer any questions you have, chart your weight loss for the week, measure & chart your monthly inches lost, and assist you in your diet supplement needs. Clients are seen for their follow-up weekly visits at our office by appointment only Tuesday-Fridays.
Ideal Health NWA has the answer to your weight control issues. We offer a clinical approach to weight loss utilizing personalized diet coaching, nutritional reeducation and the advanced cellular nutrition of Ideal Protein products.
The Story of Ideal Health NWA
I have always been, in general, a healthy person. I played all sports, ALL YEAR ROUND. (My poor parents.) I knew that fried foods and sugar items were bad so I stayed away from them.
Growing up I basically ate chicken tenders and salads. (I am one of those people that can eat the same thing over and over and over. My poor husband…..)
Since I loved sports so much I pursued health and fitness degrees in college.
Having a Bachelor degree in Sports Fitness and a Masters degree in Kinesiology; I thought I was very knowledgeable about fitness, nutrition, and “body science”. I soon realized that I knew just the “tip of the iceberg”.
I soon found out that the academic programs of health and fitness do not truly teach or focus on true nutrition that changes peoples lives. I find it it sad that I went to 18 years of schooling and did not have the foundational eating habits taught to me.
And I was in the health and fitness majors!
In my high school, college, and early single years, my diet consisted mostly of: fruit, granola, chicken, and cliff bars. On the surface none of these items are inherently bad for you.
At least I wasn’t eating fried foods 3 meals a day.
But the nutrients that I needed to have my body functioning at its optimal level was missing.
Looking back I wonder how would my two pregnancies would have been on sub-optimal nutrition?
The first time I did Ideal Protein was in September 2011. My Mother In-Law was opening up a clinic and I was going to do some coaching for her and I wanted/needed to go on the diet to experience the plan so I could effectively coach dieters.
I was engaged and getting married in December so I was working out about an hour a day; I wanted to make sure I looked good for my wedding! I didn’t need to lose weight – I ate what I thought was a relatively healthy diet and I was extremely active.
I went on plan and boy was I surprised at the results!! Not only did I lose weight and inches, but I had an amazing amount of energy, I just felt better overall, I started sleeping better, and my confidence was boosted!
I actually gained a little weight on one part of the diet because of the muscle gain from the protein! Over the years I was never eating enough protein and now my whole body was “thanking me”.
You see protein is one of the building blocks for the body. Your muscles need it. Your internal organs need it. Some weird processes that I never knew about needs it.
I lost a ton of inches for my small body (I was teased plenty about being on the diet… “You make me sick” is what I heard. All in joking of course). I was only on plan for one month since I didn’t need to lose the weight, but I gained lifetime benefits from that experience.
Here I am now, 6 years later, and still much healthier all because of Ideal Protein. Vegetables and protein (real foods) are now a consistent part of my daily eating.
Because I have followed the Ideal Protein principles, I have been able to maintain my weight over the years even through pregnancies.
The drastic weight loss in my personal experience came from my husband. He’s one of those people that looks at food and gains weight.
Following the Ideal Protein principles especially from it’s amazing “Maintenance Phase” we continue implementing healthy lifestyle choices into our diets!
It is such a blessing that I found this education, diet, lifestyle so early in my marriage and life. It is changing my family forever. For example, both of my kids LOVE broccoli! Win!
They generally eat anything that we feed them.
I desire so much for my family to be healthy and to share that knowledge with other people. I have been working in the health/fitness industry for many years and I have seen many health issues – more than obesity – that could be managed so much better just by eating a healthy diet. Our bodies are truly amazing and function so much better when we properly take care of them. The Ideal Protein Protocol is more than just about weight loss – this protocol focuses on weight AND lifestyle management – lifestyle BUILDING and lifestyle LIVING! Ideal Protein has repeatable, predictable, and measurable results.
If you want to learn how to lose weight in a healthy manner or if you just need help implementing healthy food choices into your diet, send me a message to learn more!